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1st Exploratory Meeting for Cooperation and Collaboration FEBI UIN KHAS and Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE)

Home >Berita >1st Exploratory Meeting for Cooperation and Collaboration FEBI UIN KHAS and Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE)
Diposting : Minggu, 04 Feb 2024, 09:59:22 | Dilihat : 144 kali
1st Exploratory Meeting for Cooperation and Collaboration FEBI UIN KHAS and Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE)

1st Exploratory Meeting for Cooperation and Collaboration Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University (FEBI UIN KHAS) and Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE)

Topic: 1st Exploratory Meeting for Cooperation and Collaboration between FEBI UIN KHAS & UBDSBE

Time: Feb 5, 2024 09:00 AM Jakarta / 10:00 AM Bandar Seri Begawan

Join Zoom Meeting 

 https://telkomsel.zoom.us/j/3333115115?pwd=anV0OFJvQnF4dEN0eER1S3dNZmJGdz09& omn=98059859358

Meeting ID: 333 311 5115

Passcode: 115115


Meeting Rundown

9.00 am Jakarta Time/10.00 am Bandar Seri Begawan Time

 ~Opening and Introduction by International Office FEBI UIN KHAS

9.05 am Jakarta Time/10.05 am Bandar Seri Begawan Time

 ~Speech by Dean of FEBI UIN KHAS

9.10 am Jakarta Time/10.10 Bandar Seri Begawan Time

 ~Speech by Acting Dean of UBDSBE

9.15 am Jakarta Time/10.15 am Bandar Seri Begawan Time

 ~Response from UBSDBE representatives regarding Proposal for Cooperation and Collaboration with UBDSBE 2024 from FEBI UIN KHAS 

9.30 am Jakarta Time/10.30 am Bandar Seri Begawan Time

 ~Discussion between FEBI UIN KHAS and UBDSBE will be led directly by the Dean of FEBI UIN KHAS and Acting Dean of UBDSBE related to cooperation and collaboration in Academics, Joint Research, and Community Service in the field of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Business in ASEAN.

10.15 am Jakarta Time/11.15 am Bandar Seri Begawan Time*

 ~Closing by International Office FEBI UIN KHAS



*Tentative, depending on the progress of the discussion and agreement between the discussion leaders
